My Hopes and Wishes for You My Dear Daughter

Walk with me my baby girl,
Hold my hand as I am holding yours,
Feel the warmth of my fingers,
Listen to our heartbeats become one.

There are so many things I want to share,
But first, let's walk and feel the earth under our feet,
Let the cold breeze caresses our faces,
Look up and see the blue and grey clouds hovering over us.

This life is full of obstacles, my beautiful girl,
And I wish I could shelter you from all of them,
I want to protect you from all kind of weather in life,
That would leave scars in your heart and your soul,
Some might burden you with shame that you have to carry and answer for,
I wish I could...
I wish I could.

Thing is my love,
I can only tell you how to care for yourself,
Guard your feelings,
Listen to your heart,
But always with a grain of salt,

See the best in people,
Be nice,
Help those who need help,
Speak good of others,
Say sorry if you are wrong.
Don't ruin other people's happiness,
Never take what is not yours,
There are things that are not meant for sharing,
And remember,
You don't have to argue every time you think you are right.
Pick your fight,
Some things are better left unsaid.
Control your demon before it controls you.

While you do that, 
Always remember there are thorns on every rose,
Hold it carefully so it won't hurt you.
People would always judge you,
No matter what you do,
Shake it off your shoulder and live your life through.

There would be a time your world might collapse over you,
You would feel pain, your heart aches,
Tears wet your pillows,
They stream down your cheeks and your broken heart won't let it go.
Just cry my baby girl,
Let it flow,
Let the pillow wet it leaves horrible marks the next day,
It will be a witness how hurt you are.
Feel the pain, feel your heart breaks,
Come to me and share your misery as I would understand,
I walked that road too, remember?
And if I was no longer around,
Say a prayer for me and feel that I would always be there, having my arms around you.

There are so many things I want to say to you, my beautiful girl,
I might not be able to be with you as nobody lives forever,
But my prayers will always shower you all through your life,
Because He is, The Best of Protector, and my trust is in Him.
I pray that you won't come to the crossroad where you have to choose,
But if you do, I hope you would choose the correct path,
I pray you won't commit the same mistakes I did,
For the pain and shame is heavy to carry to the grave.
May He forgive all my sins and protect you from them.

Whatever happens in your life,
If the world comes crashes under your little feet,
It is okay to cry and be sad for a while.
Then, wake up, wear your mistakes like an amour,
For nothing can hurt you anymore,
Stand up, collect all the pieces, build it once more,
For this, my love, makes you stronger and wiser, a little bit more.

Never let yourself drown in misery, too long.
Your life worth more than that.
You, my daughter,
Worth more than rivers and mountain of gold.

Don't let anything or anyone put you down,
There would be times when you'd be scared,
It is okay,
Just remember,
You are my daughter,
My flesh,
My blood runs in your veins,
We are strong,
Life may defeats us once or twice,
But we will always rise and live on.



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